Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Catching up... our Century Ride!

Wow, it has been a long time since I last posted anything on this blog!  Keeping up with the workouts, 3 kids, husband, part-time job, house, laundry, etc... has been very challenging....  I'm not sure how things are going to work out once our training starts to ramp up significantly!  But thus far things have been pretty smooth sailing...  so far the workouts are reasonable.  Suzanne keeps telling us we're in the base building phase, so we're just plugging along.  We're doing about 2100 yard swims, 6-8 mile runs, and 70-100 mile bike rides!  More specifics on the training later, but just wanted to give an update and show off some pictures and videos of the past few weeks of training.  As I'm "catching up,"  I'll start off the next few posts that way so you'll know they're older updates until I'm caught up...

A couple of Sundays ago (4/17), we just completed our first century ride - ever!  Well, for Ana and me at least.  It was a great day for a ride!  Started off at Eastminster Church and took advantage of the wind and flew south down A1A at about 23-24 mph until we got to Ft. Pierce Inlet which was at about mile 50.  Couldn't believe how fast we were going!  Here we are towards the beginning of our ride in Sebastian Inlet:

Going over the Sebastian Inlet Bridge @ approx 23-24 mph

Here we are riding along the train tracks on Old Dixie Highway (US1) in St. Lucie County heading home.  Still feeling strong, although starting to feel the wind and our pace dropped down to about 18-20.  We were doing pretty good all taking turns pulling every few miles.

In St. Lucie County heading back.

We did it!  100 miles!  Me and Ana at end of ride still able to stand upright!

Here's a link to the map of our trip.  My iphone died at mile 92 which is why it doesn't show the complete loop, but as you can see from my bike computer above, we really did the full 100!

I guess the base building phase is working because I actually felt pretty good after the ride.  We took Monday off to rest, but definitely felt the fatigue in my legs the following Tuesday in the pool.  A week later, however, I am still dealing with saddle sores...  definitely need to test out more bike shorts!